Our Founder
Strooga Consulting is founded by Bridget Ayn Bearden. For more than a decade, Bridget has collaborated with leading U.S. and global financial companies on marketing and educational campaigns. Over the years, her research has been submitted to the White House, the Department of Labor and the Securities and Exchange Commission in various forms. She holds a BA, an MBA, an MS, and the Fundamentals of Sustainability Accounting (FSA) credential from SASB. Bridget is a Ph.D. in Public Policy candidate at UMass Boston and was the 2017-2018 David Nyhan fellow of the university’s Sustainable Solutions Lab.
Our Name
Famous for his Dr. Seuss children's books, Theodor Geisel also created a robust body of surrealist art. A pseudonym to a pseudonym, Dr. Seuss signed his work Green Cat with Lights (seen above) as “Stroogo Von M.” His wife intimated that he used this second pseudonym in order to observe unbiased reactions from his guests as they viewed the piece. Strooga, a feminized version of Stroogo, understands that objectivity is in the eye of the beholder.
Our Investment Beliefs
Economic returns cannot be measured solely by investment returns, and fiduciary investing goes beyond the short-term.
The best interest of investors and their beneficiaries is best served by aligning goals with a long-term investment outlook and philosophy.
Sustainable pensions require sustainable investing.
The most impactful initiatives result from partnerships that have alignment among stakeholders.